Drag and Drop

The 'Drag and Drop' game offers a unique interactive and playful experience: participants move elements with their finger or mouse to place them in the right spot. Simple and intuitive, this game adapts to all audiences and ensures high player involvement.

Cut and Paste... er, I mean Drag and Drop!

Drag and Drop

Participants need to drag and drop elements onto specific areas of an image to solve the challenge presented.

Easily configure your content: add a background image, define drop zones, and import the elements to move. In just a few clicks, your game is ready!

This playful and interactive format fits many contexts: sort items into the right bins, rebuild an organizational chart, assemble parts of the human body, recreate a workflow, and much more. With the 'Drag and Drop' game, the possibilities are endless for creating engaging and enriching experiences!

Finally, some play!

A thousand ways to captivate your audience

Combine content screens and game screens to create a unique, varied, and entertaining experience that keeps your audience engaged until the very end.